all images come from 2018 and lower years. these images were found online and mostly on flickr, reddit, and amino
(you can click on any photo to see the full image)
july 13, 2013
july 13, 2013
july 13, 2013
october 29, 2018
july 10, 2011
april 2, 2015
july 11-13 2014 (famous dashcon ballpit)
may 28, 2013
(maybe) october 28,2012
october 28, 2012
august 29-31, 2014
september 6, 2014
june 29-july 2, 2012 (largest homestuck photoshoot)
july 1-4, 2011 (fun fact! this is where the sharpie bath incident occured!)
march 1-3, 2013 (fun fact! person in the middle is andrew hussie! homestucks creator)
jan 3-6, 2013
november 2-3, 2013 (this is a video! click this image to watch it!)
april 28, 2015
april 6, 2012
april 6, 2012
march 15, 2012
april 24, 2012
may 7, 2017 (this is a video! click the image to watch it)
march 27, 2018